In Stars And Time Dialogue Maker
Made by kongkrog(lea)
All assets belong to insertdisc5
This webpage is currently avaliable on mobile.
Right click or Tap hold (if you're on mobile) the dialogue after it's done to save image.
Make sure to use your own images.
The sample portraits in the gif are from the game,
so you need to own or obtain the game to use similar images.
Images larger than 500px will be scaled down to 400px.
Images shorter than 500px will keep their original height.
To ensure the best fit, use images 450x500px or smaller.
The ISAT portrait offsets 80% from the right of the image's width, which may cause overlap with text.
To avoid this, enable Fixed Text Offset in the Settings menu.
Tag and Description | Image |
[B]...[/B] | [I]...[/I]: Format the text in bold / italic. Example: [B]Quite bold[/B]. [I]Quite italic[/I]. |
[THIN]...[/THIN]: Make the text thin. That's it. Example: Normal text. [THIN]Thin text[/THIN]. |
[BR]: Force a line break. Example: a sentence.[BR] another sentence. |
[SCLEAR] | [BCLEAR]: Put this tag in front to change font size to small | big. Example: [BCLEAR]BIG TEXT. |